It's a custom for Chinese to say some Chinese-style prayers in happy occasions. This tool helps to generate one.
An interactive billboard, makes the audience's voice alive, powered by AI. The system is excellent for public space, exhibitions and salons. The image style is customizable via finetuning AI models to fit in different themes.
Chinese Life To-do List
The life of a Chinese - a to-do list. Everyone is in a hurry, everyone is busy - busy living, busy earning, busy marring, busy reproducing, busy dying.
What's it like to be a shortsighted dungeon explorer? WinkyPower to the rescue, you need to wink so that you can see your enemy.
Keep Calm & Climb Up
A punishing yet rewarding experience. Learn from mistakes and try again! With every attempts you make, our hero gets closer to the goal.
Essential Life Only
A visual novel about covid lockdown. A humble protest and scream.
Graduation Exhibition in VRChat
A virtual reality exhibition of graduation displays, made during the CovidLockdown in China.
Marvelous Band
An arcade rhythm game with alternative controls and physical interactions.